Music Ministry
Music has always played an important part in Zion’s worship services, including the younger members of Zion. Whether you want to become involved in the choir or play an instrument, the music that is provided is enjoyed by all.
Zion’s Music Ministry
is always looking for new volunteers. There are many groups that would welcome you with open arms. If you are interested in praising the Lord with your singing voice or musical instrument, please talk to our Music Administrator, Bobbie Jo Upton. Various opportunities for your consideration.
Men’s Chorus
is a strong rich sounding group made up of all men. They perform at major holidays & occasionally through the year. For this reason rehearsals are on Thursdays at 8 p.m. prior to performances.
Mixed Choir
Is a primarily traditional choir that's sings monthly at the Sunday services, & at all main holidays. Experience is not needed & ability to read music is not required The rehearsals are held on Thursdays at 5 p.m.
Is a privileged opportunity for musicians 8th grade through adult, to come together playing His Praises. You must know your instrument & be able to read music.The rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Rock The Zion
is a Praise and Worship Team that leads the worship for our 5pm Saturday Contemporary services. Experience is preferred, auditions &/or meetings with the Music Administrator are required. The rehearsals are on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday 4pm prior to the 5pm Service.
The Hand Bell Choir is always looking for ringers. Ability to read music is helpful, but not required. Practices: Mondays at 5:30. Prior to performances.
Special music is always wanted
at all 3 services.
Please contact Bobbie Jo at
for more details