In a user-centric world we create value earlier and more reliably.
The only fear they entertain of
attack is from the green Martians
or of progress.
There is a rich heritage at Zion Lutheran Church upon which your marriage service may be built. The sanctuary is dedication to the worship and glory of God. He will be the guest of honor at your wedding. The ceremony will be an opportunity for worship and praise as you become husband and wife.
God instituted marriage and you have His promise that He will bless all who enter this holy estate according to His will and purpose. It is our desire to provide the best foundation for your lives together.
It is our desire to provide the best foundation for your lives together. For more information contact the Church Office at (989) 894-2611 or email at
It is our desire to provide the best foundation for your lives together. For more information contact the Church Office at (989) 894-2611 or email at