Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Our Mission
To further Christ’s mission to the world by supporting the work of the church and by providing education, inspiration, and opportunities of service, both at home and abroad.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is an official women’s auxiliary organization of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Also known as Lutheran Women in Mission includes member societies within synodical congregations. The purpose of LWML is to further Christ’s mission to the world by supporting the work of the church and by providing education, inspiration, and opportunities of service, both at home and abroad. Work of the LWML is achieved by the voluntary contributions of its members through Mite Box offerings.
The Mission of the LWML is to assist each women of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people around the world.
The Ladies of Zion Lutheran’s LWML meet the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Ministry Room A. We strive to make a quantity of quilts that are given to people around the world and hold special services throughout the year. We welcome all women and invite you to attend our mission focused meetings.
To learn more about the Zion Bay City LWML contact Kay Arnold, also click here to learn more about LWML Michigan District.
LWML Mite Boxes
Over the years, many Lutheran Ladies Aid societies used a box to gather funds in support of local and synod ministries. Under the original 1928 Lutheran Women's Missionary Endeavor organizational plan, each woman in every congregation would receive a Mite Box if she participated in the Ladies Aid. Receipts from the 92 Ladies Aid societies totaled $6651.31 in 1930.
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League, formally recognized by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in 1942, required by the newly adopted constitution and bylaws, that 25% of all missionary contributions be given to the national organization, shared from the districts.
At the 1953 convention, delegates reaffirmed the policy of raising funds only through voluntary offerings. Instead of "mite boxes" some societies called their ingathering devices "blessing boxes" or "mission boxes" or "thank offering boxes." The first Mite Box design had space for districts to imprint local messages. In publications and speeches, Leaguers were reminded not to just tuck their Mite Box away out of sight and then on the day of the meeting take out a dollar bill, put it in an envelope and hand it to the secretary. Among the suggestions offered were:
• Put your pennies in the box at the end of each day
• Say "thank you" with an appropriate amount whenever calamity or misfortune has been averted
• Empty all your loose change from your kitchen coin bowl into the box on meeting day
Throughout the decades, Lutheran women have stepped out in faith, setting goals and trusting God to move the hearts of His people to give generously to LWML to proclaim the Gospel.
Times and Mite Boxes Change
Mite Boxes have changed in color and design over the years, but what has never changed is the dedication of freely given offerings for the purpose of reaching out to others with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Districts still retain 75% of mite offerings for the work of the LWML at that level. National mites fund over $1 million in mission grants.