Weekly Services
Join us as we worship and thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon all of us.
In both our traditional and contemporary services our members provide us with a variety of music, through the choirs, orchestra, and individual talent where they are able to share their Faith and celebrate the Word for all the members that attend Zion. Communion is offered at each service except for the fifth weekend of the month.
We would like to invite you to worship with us. Services are on Saturday evening, Sunday, and Monday Evening. Come see what we have to offer, you might just want to become part of our family.
Traditional Service
Our Tradition Worship Service is held on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. This classic, Christ- centered worship service proclaims God’s word through the heritage of Lutheran liturgy and hymns. There is more structure and more of the traditional hymns but on occasion include a mix of contemporary styles. The history of the church and historic Lutheran worship is evident in our traditional service.
The traditional Worship service is enhanced by Choirs, Handbells, Zion Orchestra and soloists; with the main instrument is the organ.
Contemporary Service
Contemporary Worship at Zion has a blended style, providing an interactive, friendly and more casual service. Designed with the worship experience in mind, bringing the message/Bible and faith community to our visitors, making it comfortable for the non-churched person as well as our regular church goers.
Rock of Zion (musicians and choir) creates a celebratory atmosphere with contemporary music that is less formal and family friendly worship service. The service enriched by drums, guitars, and electronic keyboards.
Join us on Saturday at 5:00 pm for worship and we guarantee you and your family will meet new people and enjoy our worship service.
Wednesday Night Service
Monday Night Service is a traditional worship service that is friendly and more casual. Using more traditional hymns and Lutheran liturgy in our Christ – centered worship service to proclaim God’s word. This combination makes our Monday Night Service a traditional service in a relaxing atmosphere. The main instrument is the organ.
Join us every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. for worship.
The music groups and children’s choir of Zion School participate in all the services throughout the year.