We Invite You, Your Family and Friends to Join Us for Worship.
Saturday: 5pm & Sunday: 9:30am
Each time we gather for worship, we focus our hearts on the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus as we listen to God’s Word, sing His praises, confess our sins and receive the Lord’s precious gift of absolution. On Sunday morning, we gather for worship following the traditional liturgies of the church and singing hymns from the Lutheran Service Book. During our midweek worship service on Wednesday evening, we gather in the Great Hall for a more informal worship time which features some hymns and a shortened liturgy. Our Saturday afternoon contemporary worship service features our music team, Rock of Zion, leading our singing.
Zion Lutheran School has a place for your child. Since our earliest days, our congregation has been committed to providing quality Christ-centered education for kids in our church and community. We offer childcare services for infants and toddlers, a terrific preschool environment for your kids and a quality kindergarten through eighth grade nationally accredited school where kids will learn about Jesus’ love for them and the wonders of this world. We provide a safe, secure, stable environment for our students and their families where every child is valued, prayed for and loved.
One of our core values at Zion is loving our neighbor and we do that in so many ways including our monthly mission focus highlighting and helping local organizations which are doing so much good in our area. We actively support the Bay County Food Pantry opening our church to store and distribute food to the needy. We partner with a community program to provide warm meals to the hungry. We reach out to our community by inviting them to special worship services, fun activities and gatherings so that we can share and show the love of Jesus with our neighbors
Devotions – Week 3: Stewards Transformed by Love
September 20, 2024Jesus said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12
August 31 – September 1, 2024
September 3, 2024Our school's TL is sponsoring a mum sale with beautiful 9" plants from our friends at Rooted by Keits. These mums average 16 - 24" in diameter and can...
What We Believe
Who We Are
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that it is the only absolute source of truth. All questions of life and faith must be tested against this truth. In the Bible we learn that we are all sinners (the Law) and that God works salvation (the Gospel) for every believer.
Become a Member
Join Our Family
If you are looking for a place to worship, we welcome you and your family to join us here at Zion. We offer a traditional and contemporary services along with our program Kids for Christ, which is geared toward the younger ones attending service.<br />We offer programs to those of all ages, such as VBS (Vacation Bible School), our Music Director has programs for all ages, and we offer outreach to various organizations in our area.